How to Keep Your Endocrine System Healthy
Wednesday, August 24th, 2016

The human endocrine system is a well-constructed network of glands that secrete hormones which are responsible for the regulation of bodily functions. As useful as these organs are, they can be fragile when not cared for properly; it can result to hormonal imbalance. Good thing there is hormone replacement therapy in Florida and in other parts of the US.

However, it is still better to keep yourself healthy to avoid health problems. To avoid damaging your endocrine system and to keep your body healthy, follow these tips! 

  1. Eat Healthy
    When you feel that you tire easily, you are moodier than usual, or you have sleep issues, that’s when you should be alarmed. Those are the signs that your body is sending you because your system is already out of balance. This is your body’s way of letting you know that you are experiencing a hormone-related health problem. Transitioning to a healthy diet is one of the best ways to nudge your body’s system back to normal. A healthy diet has the right amount of calories that your body needs to get you going for the day, support you in your sleep, and handle stress as well.Make sure you include a variety of whole food and plant-based options like vegetables and fresh fruits. Processed foods are almost always empty calories, which will lead you to overeating. Meanwhile, fresh foods will help ensure that your endocrine system stays healthy because of the vitamins and nutrients that they have. They also contain amino acids that hormones need to function properly.
  2. Minimize the Junk
    Too much sugar, alcohol, and caffeine can wreak havoc to the endocrine system. Sugar and excess caffeine can cause your insulin levels to spike down. Remember, the body needs fresh food to automatically know what to process. Junk food, on the other hand, confuses your body and hormones at the same time.
  3. Get Enough Sleep
    Rest is crucial for a healthy endocrine system. If you lack sleep all the time, no hormone in the body will function naturally. This will result to stress, sudden weight gain, and even serious health issues to occur. Get at least seven to eight hours – nothing more and nothing less. If you are having a hard time sleeping, don’t reach for that glass of milk. Instead, eat a banana or an ounce of dark chocolate to help you sleep instead. As long as you establish a healthy bedtime routine, you will conk out in no time at all.

  1. Don’t Forget to Exercise!
    Everyone knows how important exercise is but choosing the right one is the key to taking care of your hormones. High intensity training can be stressful because, in some occasions, it raises the cortisol levels in the body. If you get easily stressed, try exercises like yoga or brisk walking. As boring as they sound, they actually help lower stress, even out your hormones and let your body produce feel good chemicals. If you prefer hardcore exercises like boxing or sprinting because they pump you up and reduce stress, then by all means do so. However, if it makes you tired and more stressed, try another exercise routine that is not as intense.

Once you begin to pay attention to your blood sugar and manage your stress, it will encourage a positive chain reaction in your body.

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