Eric T
Friday, January 26th, 2018

Physical fitness has always been a big part of my life. As I got older and my testosterone levels began to fall, I found it harder and harder to make it to the gym. I worked the night shift, and I would find myself sleeping until it was time to go to work, which prevented me from getting basic daily tasks done. Lack of motivation and a poor sex drive were drastically affecting my relationship. With the help of Genemedics Health Institute, Iā€™m up in the morning getting things done, Iā€™m back in the gym, and my sex drive is back intact. I would like to thank the great medical staff at Genemedics Health Institute!

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What to expect during your consultation:
  • Usually takes 15-30 minutes
  • Completely confidential
  • No obligation to purchase anything
  • We will discuss your symptoms along with your health and fitness goals
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GenemedicsĀ® Health Institute is a global premier institute dedicated to revolutionizing health and medicine through healthy lifestyle education, guidance and accountability in harmony with functional medicine. Our physician-supervised health programs are personally customized to help you reach your health and fitness goals while looking and feeling better than ever.


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Call 800-277-4041 for a Free Consultation

What to expect during your consultation:

  • Usually takes 15-30 minutes
  • Completely confidential
  • No obligation to purchase anything
  • We will discuss your symptoms along with your health and fitness goals
  • Free post-consult access for any additional questions you may have
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